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企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 上海 上海
联系卖家: 喻小姐 女士   QQ在线咨询2232711873
手机号码: 13331951513
公司官网: www.sx-company....
公司地址: 上海嘉定区曹安路2038号502


发布时间:2020-06-23 02:07:12        

BIHL+WIEDEMANN模块,AS-i 安全技术领域里的佼佼者。

Bihl+Wiedemann由 Jochen Bihl 先生及 Bernhard Wiedemann 先生于 1992 年在曼海姆 (Mannheim) 创建。现已发展为一家高度***化的国际性工程企业。是AS-Interface自动化技术领域中,安全技术及电子组件的主要供应商之一。

1995年,Bihl+Wiedemann成为***AS-i 主站获得 AS-i 国际协会认证的企业。该主站被用于AS-i 从站的认证参考。公司历***的其他里程碑还包括:生产出了***台符合规范3.0 的AS-i 主站,推出了***使用不锈钢外壳,具有扩展诊断功能的AS-i 主站(2004 年),以及加入AS-Interface 安全联盟(2005年)。自此,Bihl+Wiedemann也成为AS-i 安全技术领域里的佼佼者。



德国BIHL+WIEDEMANN电源、BIHL+WIEDEMANN模块、BIHL+WIEDEMANN数字处理器、BIHL+WIEDEMANN网关、BIHL+WIEDEMANN传感器 BIHL+WIEDEMANN(B+W)德国原装AS-i(2.1)主站,是AB系列AS-i产品的OEM制造商。 BW1611 AB PLC主站套餐,包括BWU1488 AS-i主站和BW1563 “AS-I Control Tools”软件,用于AB CONTROLOGIX系列。BW1610套餐,包括BWO1416和BW1563“AS-I Control Tools”软件,用于AB Compact LOGIX 和 MicroLogix1500系列。 BIHL+WIEDEMANN引入了可连接PROFINET的AS-接口网关。据说它是***个符合新的AS-I V3 M4行规并集成***诊断的部件。它还具有一个接地故障检测器,以及一个用于检查模拟信号的噪声、过压检测器AS-i Master(主站)/ Scanner(扫描器)for Allen-Bradley(AB PLC)CONTROLOGIX COMPACTLOGIX/MICROLOGIX。  路数字化的BIHL+WIEDEMANN数字处理器能能根据音色分别对低频和高频进行动态处理,使声音能达到***佳的力度和响亮度。它的环绕声处理器和频段增强器使您的混音更加明亮透澈。除此之外, BIHL+WIEDEMANN数字处理器还有降噪系统,使用操作方便容易。

BIHL+WIEDEMANN AS-i Gateways Article Art. No. AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1567 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1653 AS-i/PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, without RS232 diagnosis interface, without recognition of duplicate AS-i addresses BWU1773 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU1568 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1654 AS-i/PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, without RS232 diagnosis interface, without recognition of duplicate AS-i addresses BWU1774 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1569 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway,BIHL+WIEDEMANN 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1655 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel, Basic Master BWU1746 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel with decoupling coils BWU1891 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway in Stainless Steel with decoupling coils BWU1818 AS-i 3.0 DeviceNet Gateway in Stainless Steel, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1824 AS-i 3.0 DeviceNet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU1819 AS-i 3.0 DeviceNet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1825 AS-i 3.0 DeviceNet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1820 AS-i 3.0 DeviceNet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits, BIHL+WIEDEMANN Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1826 AS-i 3.0 CANopen Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1821 AS-i 3.0 CANopen Gateway in Stainless Steel, advanced temperature range BWU2225 AS-i 3.0 CANopen Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU1822 AS-i 3.0 CANopen Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1823 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1641 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1656 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU1642 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1657 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1643 AS-i 3.0 Modbus Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1658 AS-i 3.0 EtherCAT Gateways in Stainless Steel, 1 Master BW2162 AS-i 3.0 EtherCAT Gateways in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BW2163 AS-i 3.0 EtherCAT Gateways in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BW2164 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1650 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1659 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel , 2 Masters BWU1651 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel , 2 Masters, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1660 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1652 AS-i 3.0 Ethernet Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1661 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1828 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1834 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU1829 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1835 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU1833 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1836 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway in Stainless Steel BWU1912 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters, Version 1 Gateway, 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BWU2238 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway in Stainless Steel, 2 Masters BWU2239 AS-i 3.0 RS232 Master in Stainless Steel BWU1955 Complete Set: BIHL+WIEDEMANN AS-i 3.0 Master for Allen-Bradley ControlLogix BWU1488 plus Accessories BW1563 BW1611 AS-i 3.0 Master for Allen-Bradley ControlLogix BWU1488 Complete Set: AS-i 3.0 Master for Allen-Bradley CompactLogix and MicroLogix BWU1416 plus Accessories BW1563 BW1610 AS-i 3.0 Master for Allen-Bradley ControlLogix, Class 1 Div. 2 BWU1716 AS-i 3.0 Master for Allen-Bradley CompactLogix and MicroLogix BWU1416 AS-i/PROFIBUS DP Gateway IP65 BW1253 AS-i/PROFIBUS DP Gateway IP65, M12 connector BW1371 AS-i/CC-Link Gateway IP65 BW1435 AS-i/Modbus Plus Gateway 2.1 BWU1583 AS-i Master Boa*** Article Art. No. AS-i 3.0 PCI Double Master with advanced diagnostics BW1922 AS-i 3.0 PCI Double Master without RS 232 interface, without duplicate address‘ recognition BW2087 AS-i 3.0 Compact PCI Double Master BW1911 AS-i PC2 (short PC Board) BW1228 AS-i/PC104 Master BW1229 AS-i Master M-Module BW1230 AS-i Master OEM Modul with option for AS-i chip programming BIHL+WIEDEMANN BW2176 AS-i Master OEM Modul for use together with the evaluation kit BW1565 BW1670 AS-i Master OEM Module for AS-i 3.0 for customer applicati*** BW1588 AS-i Master OEM Module sample for different opti*** BW1554 Evaluation Kit for the AS-i Master OEM Module BW1565 Software Article Art. No. AS-i Control Tools with serial cable for AS-i Master in Stainless Steel BW1602 AS-i Control Tools with serial cable for Allen-Bradley AS-i Master BW1563 AS-i Control Tools BW1203 ASIMON and AS-i Control Tools with serial cable for AS-i Master/Monitor in Stainless Steel BW2071 AS-i Sim: Programming and Simulation Software for AS-i (Mini-PLC) BW1902 AS-i Analog Modules Article Art. No. AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 0 …10V and 4 …20 mA BWU1897 AS-i Analog Input Module 0-10 V/4-20 mA, 2 channels, IP20 BWU1345 AS-i Analog Input Module 0 …10 V/4 …20 mA, 2 channels, IP20, scale SIEMENS compatible BWU1447 AS-i Analog Input Module 0 …10V/4 …20 mA, 2 channels, IP20, default power supply 24V external BWU1726 AS-i Analog Output Module 0 …10 V/4 …20 mA, 2 channels, IP20 BWU1412 AS-i Analog Output Module 0 …10 V/4 …20 mA, 2 channels, IP20, default power supply 24 V external BWU1727 AS-i Analog Output Module 2O for &plu***n; 10 V, IP201 BW2224 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 4 …20 mA, IP20 BWU1364 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 0 …10 V, IP20 BWU1365 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …20 mA, IP20 BWU1366 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …10 V, IP20 BWU1367 AS-i Analog Module 4Pt100 Inputs, IP20 BWU1368 AS-i analog Module 4 thermocouple type J inputs, IP20 BWU1933 AS-i analog Module 4 thermocouple type K inputs, IP20 BWU2243 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 4 …20 mA BWU1232 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 0 …10 V BWU1233 AS-i Analog Output Module 2A, 0 …20 mA BWU1234 AS-i Analog Output Module 2O, 0 …10 V BWU1235 AS-i Analog Module 4 Pt100 Inputs, IP65 BWU1254 AS-i Analog Module 4 Pt1000 Inputs, IP65 BWU1509 AS-i Analog Module 2 Pt100 Inputs + 2 Relais Outputs BW1552 AS-i Balance Controller, calibration with AS-i Control Tools, IP65 BW2240 AS-i Balance Controller BW1465 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 4 ... 20 mA, AS-i 3.0 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU1893 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 4 ... 20 mA, AS-i 2.1 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU1894 AS-i Analog Module 2 Pt100 Inputs, AS-i 3.0 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU1895 AS-i Analog Module 2 Pt100 Inputs, 2. input via ID1 deactivated, AS-i 3.0 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU2086 AS-i Analog Module 2 PT100 inputs, AS-i 2.1 Single Sl***e, IP65 BWU2050 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 0 … 10 V, AS-i 3.0 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU1963 AS-i Analog Input Module 2I, 0 … 10 V, AS-i 2.1 AB Sl***e, IP65 BWU1964 AS-i 3.0 Analog Module 1I/1O, 4 ... 20 mA or 0 ... 10 V, 24 V auxiliary on M12, IP65 BWU1853 AS-i 3.0 Analog Module 1I/1O, 4 ... 20 mA or 0 ... 10 V, supplied out of AS-i, IP65 BWU1917 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 4 …20 mA, IP65 BWU1359 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 4 …20 mA, Siemens format, IP65 BWU2049 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 0 …10 V, IP65 BWU1360 AS-i Analog Input Module 4I, 0 …10 V, advanced temperature range, IP65 BWU1742 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …20 mA, IP65 BWU1361 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …10 V, IP65 BWU1362 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …20 mA, IP65 BWU1722 AS-i Analog Output Module 4O, 0 …10 V, advanced temperature range, IP65 BWU1736 AS-i Analog Module 4Pt100 Inputs, 24 V external on M12, IP65 BWU1363 OEM Modules Article Art. No. AS-i OEM Module: 2 analog Inputs, 4 ... 20 mA BW2033 AS-i OEM Module: 2 analog Inputs, 0 ... 10 V BW2035 AS-i 2I/2O AB Module BW1421 AS-i 2I/2O AB Module with screw terminals BW1443 AS-i 2I/2O AB Module without galvanical separation, screw terminal only on AS-i pins BW1957 AS-i 2I/2O AB Module with wiring pin BW1444 AS-i 2I/2O AB Module with Fault LED output BW1490 AS-i 4I/3O AB Module with wiring pin BW1386 AS-i 4I/3O AB Module with screw terminals BW1387 AS-i 4I/3O Module without screw terminals, without wiring pins BW1408 AS-i 4I/3O Module with plug-in connector BW2229 AS-i 4I/4O Module with wiring pin BW1218 AS-i 4I/4O Module with screw terminals BW1219 AS-i 4I/4O Module without wiring pins, without screw terminals BW1407 AS-i 4I/4O OEM Module with screw terminals BW1628 AS-i 4I/4O OEM Module with wiring pins BW2054 AS-i 4I/4O Module, galvanical separated, with wiring pin BW1388 AS-i 4I/4O Module, galvanical separated, with screw terminals BW1389 AS-i 4I/4O Module, galvanical separated, without wiring pins, without screw terminal BW1910 AS-i 4I/4O Module with LEDs BW1468 AS-i 4I/4O Module with LEDs with wiring pin BW1469 AS-i 4I/4O Module with LEDs with screw terminals BW1470 AS-i 4I/4O Module with LEDs with screw terminals, lacquered BW1789 AS-i 6I-AB Module with screw terminals BW1627 AS-i 6I-AB Module with screw terminals, turned 180 degrees BW1679 AS-i 8I Module with wiring pin BW1351 AS-i 8I Module with screw terminals BW1352 AS-i 8I/8O OEM Module, 2 4I/4O Single Sl***e BW1898 AS-i 3.0 8I/8O OEM Module, 2 4I/4O-AB Sl***e BW1899 AS-i 16I/16O OEM Module, 4 4I/4O Single Sl***e BW1900 AS-i 3.0 16I/16O OEM Module, 4 4I/4O-AB Sl***e BW1901 AS-i OEM Sl***e with serial interface . AS-i OEM Power Supply Module BW1485 AS-i OEM Carrier Board BW1484 AS-i Motor Control Module (2I/2O) BW1101 AS-i 4I Module for Building Automation BW1100 Specialities Article Art. No. AS-i 4I/3O Relay Module in Stainless Steel with addressing socket, AB Sl***e BW1808 AS-i 4I/4O Relay Module in Stainless Steel with addressing socket, Single Sl***e BW1926 AS-i Counter Module: 2 channel input BWU2218 AS-i Counter Module: 2 x 2 channel input BWU2219 AS-i Counter Module: 4 x 2 channel input BWU2189 AS-i Counter Module: 1 channel input (analog) BW1723 AS-i Counter Module: 1 channel input (0 to 15) BW1711 AS-i Code Block with 2 code switches BW1527 AS-i Analog Module: 2 inputs for Leuze ODSL 30 Distance Sensors, 0 … 65m BW1908 AS-i Analog Module: 2 inputs for Leuze ODSL 30 Distance Sensors, 0 … 30m BW1664 AS-i/AS-i Coupler BW1187 AS-i/AS-i Coupler IP65 BW1280 Drive Soluti*** with AS-i Article Art. No. Cylindrical AS-i Actuator 1I/3O BW1647 AS-i Sl***e for SEW Frequency Inverters (M12), IP65 BW1856 AS-i Sl***e for SEW Frequency Inverters (M12), special wiring of the two inputs, IP65 BW2038 Diagnostics/Commissioning Article Art. No. AS-i Analyser Innovation Step 2 BW1415 AS-i Signal Measuring Adapter BW1559 AS-i Programming Device with Plugin Recharger 230 V BW1191 AS-i Programming Device with Plugin Recharger 115 V BW1646 AS-i addressing cable - infrared addressing adapter BW1935 Connecting cable (Module/programming device) BW1802 Repeater/AS-i Tuner/AS-i Bus Ternmination Article Art. No. AS-i Diagnostic Tuner BWU1843 AS-i Tuner BWU1648 AS-i Bus Termination BWU1644 AS-i High Power Repeater BW2384 Advanced Repeater with bus termination, IP20 BWU2192 Advanced Repeater, IP20 BWU1855 AS-i Repeater in IP65 BWU1273 AS-i Module for Power Decoupling BW2387 Power Supply Article Art. No. AS-i Power Supply 1,8 A BW2255 AS-i Power Supply 4 A, wide range power supply BW1649 AS-i Power Supply 8 A, power supply with range switch BW1997 AS-i Wide Range Power Supply 8 A BW2276 24 V to 30 V AS-i Power Supply in Stainless Steel 2 A BW1760 8 A Power Supply for AS-i Master in Stainless Steel in Version 1 Power Supply for 2 AS-i circuits BW1593 4 A Power Supply with 3 Phases for AS-i Master in Stainless Steel BW1927 8 A Power Supply with 3 Phases for AS-i Master in Stainless Steel BW1676 AS-i Power Supply Decoupling Unit: Supply 2 AS-i networks via 1 power supply BW1943 AS-i Power Extender 2,8 A BW1197 AS-i Power Extender 2,8 A, Class 1 Div. 2 BW1713 AS-i Power Extender 4,0 A BW1477 AS-i Power Extender 4,0 A , Class 1 Div. 2 BW1714 AS-i Profile Cables/Passive Distributors/Substructure Modules/Accessories Article Art. No. AS-i Profile Cable yellow, 100 m BW1979 AS-i Profile Cable black, 100 m BW1980 Passive Distributor AS-i on M12 BW1239 Passive Distributor AS-i/24 V on M12 BW1976 Passive Distributor AS-i on M12, 2 m line BW1977 Passive Distributor AS-i/24 V on M12, 2 m line BW1974 Passive Distributor AS-i flat cable branch BW1975 AS-i Substruture Module to connect 2 AS-i flat Cables BW1180 AS-i Substruture Module to connect 2 AS-i flat Cables with addressing socket BW1438 AS-i Substruture Module to connect 1 AS-i flat Cable, 1 flat Cable for additional supply BW1181 AS-i Substruture Module to connect 2 AS-i round Cables BW1182 AS-i Substruture Module to connect 1 AS-i round Cable, 1 round Cable for additional supply BW1183 Lid for standard AS-i substructure modules BW1946 AS-i ribbon cable seal for PG11 fittings (items per unit: 50) BW1945 AS-i Cable-Stripper BW1920 AS-i Micro-Wire-Stripper BW1921 D-Sub data tran***ission cord for AS-i Master in IP65, length: 1,5m BW1097 D-Sub data tran***ission cord 9-pins length: 1,8m BW1058 D-Sub data tran***ission cord for AS-i Gateways with CAN interface BW1226 AS-i addressing cable with COMBICON connector BW2324 AS-i addressing cable with infrared addressing adapter BW1935 Connecting cable (Module/programming device) BW1802 Protection cap for not used M12 sockets BW2368 Reduction sleeve Stainless Steel BW1241 Reduction sleeve M25/M18x1 BW1282 Cross-Link Cable for AS-i/Ethernet Gateway BW1304 AS-i Probe BW1745 Chip card for Bihl+Wiedemann AS-i products, memory capacity 32 kByte (packaging unit: 10 pieces) BW2079 Chip card for Bihl+Wiedemann AS-i products, memory capacity 128 kByte (packaging unit: 10 pieces) BW2222 Development/Manufacturing of AS-i Components Article Art. No. AS-i 3.0 Function and EMC-Test Master, with Master RS 232 (for AS-i specification 3.0) BW1728 AS-i 3.0 SAP4, SAP5, A2SI and ASI4U Programming and Test Tool: Compact PCI Board BW1783 AS-i 3.0 SAP4, SAP5, A2SI and ASI4U Programming and Test Tool: PCI Board BW2061 AS-i 3.0 development service BW1729 AS-i 3.0 development service BW1730 AS-i Sl***e Board on basis ASI-SW+ BW1423 AS-i Sl***e Board on basis A2SI BW1190 Master Simulators Article Art. No. PROFIBUS DP Master Simulator, PROFIBUS UART BW1131 PROFIBUS DP Master Simulator DP V1 BW1257 Serial PROFIBUS DP Master BW1258 DeviceNet Master Simulator with USB interface BW1420 DeviceNet Master Simulator as PCI Board BW1625 CANopen Master Simulator with USB interface BW1453 RS 232C/RS 485 Converter (for Windows) (B+W) BW1094 USB – RS 232 Interface Converter BW2274 Other Fieldbusses Article Art. No. PROFIBUS Option Board (straight) BW1261 PROFIBUS Option Board (crooked) BW1271 CAN/PROFIBUS Coupler BW1246 CANrho/PROFIBUS Coupler BW1184 CAN/Interbus Coupler BW1243 CAN/Interbus Coupler BW1323 AS-i Safety Article Art. No. AS-i 3.0 Profibus Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2001 AS-i 3.0 Profibus Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs, power supply decoupling unit BW2002 AS-i 3.0 Profibus BIHL+WIEDEMANN Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 1 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2003 AS-i 3.0 Profibus Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 1 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs, BIHL+WIEDEMANN power supply decoupling unit BW2004 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway with integrated BIHL+WIEDEMANN Safety Monitor, power supply decoupling unit, supports safe AS-i outputs, 16 release circuits BW2187 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, safe AS-i outputs are not supported BW2027 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, power supply decoupling unit, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2188 AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS DP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, power supply decoupling unit, safe AS-i outputs are not supported BW2109 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2330 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, power supply decoupling unit, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2237 AS-i 3.0 PROFINET Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 1 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2307 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2317 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, power supply decoupling unit, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2267 AS-i 3.0 EtherNet/IP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 1 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2273 AS-i 3.0 Modbus TCP Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2332 AS-i 3.0 EtherCAT Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor, 2 AS-i Master, 16 release circuits, power supply decoupling unit, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2281 AS-i Safety Monitor in Stainless Steel, Generation II, 16 release circuits, supports safe AS-i outputs BW2000 AS-i Safety Monitor in Stainless Steel, Generation II, supports safe AS-i outputs, 16 release circuits BW2186 AS-i Safety Monitor in Stainless Steel, Generation II, 1 AS-i circuit, 2 release circuits, safe AS-i outputs are not supported, monitor program for 48 devices BW2044 AS-i Safety Monitor, advanced monitor, 1 OSSD (release circuit), 40 ms BW1764 AS-i Safety Monitor, advanced monitor, 2 OSSD (release circuit), 40 ms BW1765 AS-i Safety Relay In-/Output Module with diagnostic sl***e, 1 EDM- and 1 safety input BW2236 AS-i Safety Relay Output Module with diagnostic sl***e and 1 EDM input BW2045 AS-i Safety Output Module with diagnostic sl***e, 1 EDM input, 3I and 2O BW2173 AS-i Safety Input Module for floating contacts (M12), IP67 BW2284 AS-i Safety Input Module for optoelectronic protective devices (M12), IP67 BW2270 AS-i Safety Input Module for floating contacts, IP20 BWU1939 AS-i Safety OEM Sl***e with plug-in screw terminals BW1896 AS-i Safety OEM Sl***e with screw terminals BW1751 AS-i Safety OEM Sl***e with wiring pins BW1801 AS-i Safety OEM Sl***e BW1934 AS-i Substructure Module in IP67 for 4-channel module in 45 mm-housing BW2349 AS-i Substructure Module in IP67 for 4-channel module in 45 mm-housing, centerline spacing CNOMO BW2350 Programming software ASIMON and AS-i Control Tools with serial cable for AS-i Masters/Monitors in stainless steel BW2071 Programming software ASIMON with serial cable for AS-i Masters/Monitors in stainless steel BW2145 Programming software ASIMON with cable BW1771 and BW1772 only for use with the Safety Monitors BW1764 and BW1765 BW1770 Serial cable for AS-i Masters and AS-i Monitore in stainless steel BW1575 Interface cable for connection of the Safety Monitor to a PC BW1771 Services Article Art. No. AS-i Hotline Service . Development service .



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